Quartet of artists collaborate for one-painting-a-day project

Producing 100 paintings in 100 days is a daunting task, no matter how prolific an artist might be. So a quartet of painters has taken up the challenge, divvying up the labor to produce 25 apiece over a 100-day span.

"All of our lives are very full, and we're all artists," Cynthia Wolf said. "I own a gallery, so I should be painting every day, but you don't always get to it because there's all this paperwork to do, all the business aspects."

All of them struggle with life getting in the way of painting. The process adds an incentive to keep them focused on their work. It's their second batch of 100, which began in April. The group would post one painting a day on its blog.

With the experiment a success, the third batch is already underway, culminating with a live exhibition opening on Nov. 16, Oklahoma's centennial. Karen Orr attributes the success partially to the paintings' smaller sizes and affordable prices.

"The concept is good. Everyone has a place in their home where they can fit a small piece," Orr said.

The time crunch gives them motivation to salvage pieces they might have given up on otherwise.

"Our art is getting better every day, because we have to work through mistakes and come up with better paintings," Gayle Curry said. "If we don't like it, we don't have to submit it, and if I struggle with a painting too long, it's not going to happen."

"?Charles Martin

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