Power to the people

In response to Linda C. Wade of Midwest City ("A letter to Sen. Inhofe," June 23, Gazette), I would urge her to stop writing to U.S. senators who are shamelessly in league with Big Oil and Wall Street and who don't care about the issues of the people or the issues of the planet. 

You are not "just a voter who has no voice in this state." You are a voice, and you did speak. Please continue to speak out because this is not a matter of political party. This is a matter for the whole electorate who must be convinced to vote out of office those senators and representatives who kowtow to the wishes and pocketbooks of big industry instead of the needs of the people. 

Write to the voters. Help those who vote to see the light when it comes to the need for regulation of the oil industry, the need for regulation of the financial industry, the need for an energy plan or whatever, so that we do elect people to office who care about "we the people" and who might have taken steps to prevent such disasters.

"Kobe J.M. Cohen
Oklahoma City