Having been active in establishing the Alliance for Cultural Facilities in 1989, consisting of 120 members from all areas of OKC, there was lengthy discussion of improving the park along with renovation of Civic Center Music Hall. MAPS provided money for the Civic Center, but not enough for a complete makeover of the park.

After 23 years of concern and vigorous deliberation over this prominent property, it is exciting to see this restructuring begin.

Our City Council led by our great mayor, Mick Cornett, along with City Manager Jim Couch, have continued to utilize professional interest in improving our city. The entire staff works diligently to provide our city with an environment that attracts state and national attention.

Many thanks to Rand Elliott and the citizens, both public and private, for their combined thoughts, many months and hundreds of hours of deliberation. The final design will provide a much-needed, spectacular centerpiece for arts and civic affairs.

What a great contribution to our city.

—Sandy Meyers
Oklahoma City

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