Hafdis Huld — Synchronised Swimmers

Synchronised Swimmers” is the effervescent acoustic pop of The Weepies, only swapping Americans for Icelandic people and introducing banjo into the mix. There is no possible way to dislike this music, unless you’re opposed to things that sound pretty and make you want to sing.

Iceland’s almost-to-be-expected plucky soprano vocals apply here, as Huld’s almost-too-cute voice dominates the proceedings. Her songs are brilliant pop tunes, scoring on almost every track (excluding “Boys and Perfume,” which is an entirely forgettable one). “Action Man” is a gorgeous number with excellent melodies in the verse and chorus, which is rare and welcomed. It always sounds of the verge of exploding into a big, triumphant piece, but it doesn’t, and it’s all the better for it.

“Oldest Friend” is a poignant piece that sticks with me. “Kongulo” is one of the few tracks with guitar chords (instead of finger-picked melodies), and its Spanish-inspired rhythms and chords make it obvious why this was a chart-topping track in Iceland. “Robot Robot” is a quirky love song that would make Ingrid Michaelson jealous. “Homemade Lemonade” is an unabashed and wonderful summer tune. “Vampires” gets a bit too much like The Weepies, what with the male/female duet thing. It’s still nice, though. 

“Synchronised Swimmers” isn’t perfect, but it’s a high A. It’s hard to make unique-but-accessible pop songs, and Huld has at least three or four amazing ones hanging out here. I’m unsure why she hasn’t taken America by storm, but I’m going to say “Give it time” on this one. There’s just no way people with ears can pass up such brilliant, memorable pop. Highly recommended. —Stephen Carradini

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