e: Cool guy drives cooler car. Taking over for David Hasselhoff is soap star Justin Breuning as Mike Traceur, as his son. Behind the wheel of the talking, high-tech Ford Mustang known as K.I.T.T. (voiced by Val Kilmer), which can make  "Transformers"-style modifications on the fly, he fights crime.

Best among the 18 episodes involve a Vegas heist, a Halloween flight from hell, a "Fast and the Furious"-esque showdown and a battle with the evil vehicle K.A.R.R. Although flashy, the pilot is pretty dull, but the subsequent shows surprisingly deliver on a level of disposable action fun.

Breuning is a himbo lead, but Deanna Russo is girl-next-door-gorgeous as his love interest, and early scripts find creative ways to get her to disrobe. A midseason shakeup takes her out of the car and places her behind the desk, which was a poor idea. Bruce Davison lends some credibility as her dad.

Extras on the four-disc set amount to little more than a few puffy promo pieces, but there are enough enjoyable hours here to merit a purchase. It's a worthy throwback to network action series of the 1980s, but with way better effects.

"?Rod Lott

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