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Uploaded by Rebekah Selid

OKC-Span Meetup w/ Marty Percy

JOIN THE DISCUSSION WITH MARTY PEERCY AS HE HOSTS HIS MONTHLY OKC-SPAN MEETUP! OKC-SPAN is a twitter project by Marty Peercy where he live-tweets meetings for Oklahoma City and County. Because of his connections, Peercy is able to offer extra insight into history and relationships between those involved. Marty also summarizes the meetings he attends into articles for OKC Free Press. Residents of OKC consistently look to OKC-SPAN to know what’s happening in their local government, making it an invaluable resource.

  • Ponyboy

    423 NW 23rd St., Oklahoma City Northwest OKC


    3 events 2 articles
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