OKG Lifestyle: Christina Kirk
John Moreland | Photo Crackerfarm / All Eyes Media / provided • The Politician (Netflix) | Netflix / provided

Around OKC

EAT pad thai at Sala Thai
WATCH The Politician (Netflix)
LISTEN  “Harder Dreams” by John Moreland
READ The Aislings by Brandy Williams
LOVE Full Circle Bookstore
EXPERIENCE  Threshold Climbing + Fitness

OKG Lifestyle: Christina Kirk
The Mandalorian (Disney+) | Image Disney provided • Grand Union by Zadie Smith | Image Penguin Random House / provided

Outside OKC

EAT  Lovera’s Grocers in Krebs
WATCH The Mandalorian (Disney+)
LISTEN The Moth Radio Hour podcast
READ Grand Union by Zadie Smith
LOVE Zero candy bars
EXPERIENCE  Equality House in Topeka, Kansas

OKG Lifestyle: Christina Kirk
Greenleaf | Image Oprah Winfrey Network / provided • Just Be Real Sis podcast | Image Just Be Real Sis / provided

Christina's OKC

EAT Melting Pot- You cannot go wrong ordering anything on the menu
WATCH  Greenleaf and old-school Murder, She Wrote
LISTEN Hamilton (the musical album) and Just Be Real Sis podcast READ Becoming by Michelle Obama
LOVE  Tiffany & Co., my students and preparing students for college
EXPERIENCE walks in the park at twilight and Thunder games

OKG Lifestyle: Christina Kirk
Christina Kirk is an educator, author, judge and college preparation expert all in one.

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