Oklahoma Gazette

Boobzilla reveals mystifying, jaw-dropping talents

OKG Archives Nov 20, 2008 0:00 AM

Every mother believes her child is unique, but some moms are more right than others. Odds are that the woman who birthed The Amazing Boobzilla had no idea what she'd brought into the world. An all-around sideshow wonder, Boobzilla's true gift (or gifts) relate to the incredible lifting power of her "¦ um, well "¦ boobs.

Boobzilla will be demonstrating her unusual talents at Book Beat & Co. for the Mule Skinner Friday Night Jamboree.

The origins of Boobzilla began in childhood when her grandmother's work in home health care meant the young Boobzilla spent long afternoons in a retirement home for carnies and sideshow performers in Florida. Boobzilla said she was enraptured with the gamut of their magical illusions and cringe-inducing skills, as well as the colorful stories of scraping out a living through the Depression and across Dust Bowl America.

She began as a child magician, but over time expanded her repertoire.

"I perform many of the traditional 10-in-1 routines you'd see in a circus sideshow tent, like sword-swallowing, fire-breathing, fire-eating, the animal trap, human blockhead "? when I hammer a nail up my nose, all the way to the back of my skull "? straitjacket escape, walk on broken glass, eat broken glass. I've even put my chest and my face in broken glass and had someone walk on my back," she said.

Boobzilla will debut a new trick Friday, where she captures herself in a fox trap. She also does the "human mental floss" bit, in which she snorts a balloon up her nose and pulls it out of her mouth. For adult crowds, she'll do the same with a condom.

"I know it's pretty gross," she said with a snicker. "But you'd be surprised by how many people laugh, and I figure it is better to do it with a piece of latex than pasta."

Her bosoms, however, are the anchor of the show, capable of hefting more than 50 pounds without any help or attachments.

"I tried to be in ('Guinness World Records') for the 'World's Strongest Breast,' but funny enough, they denied me," Boobzilla said. "They said the title was inappropriate, which I think is ridiculous, because I'm good friends with (The Great) Nippulini, who has the world's strongest nipples. He could tow his own Pinto with his nipple piercing and he's in 'Guinness' for the 'World's Strongest Nipples,' so what's the difference?"

In a lift-off, Boobzilla said she matched Nippulini's prowess by hefting a 50-pound little person. Since Guinness won't recognize her unique bosoms, she plans to vie for sword-swallowing records, including ones by her mentor, Red Stuart.

Boobzilla performs all over the country, appearing with sideshow and burlesque troupes or on her own. She's been featured on two of Jerry Springer's pay-per-view specials.

"I even got on for the right reasons: No (little people) were harmed in the filming of my segment, nobody cheated, I wasn't gay, wasn't pregnant, no fighting," she said. "I got onto his show twice for the right reasons, just for sideshow performance."

She recently moved from Tulsa to Oklahoma City and is forming a new troupe of performers called the "Carnival of Cleavage."

"It's a troupe that is all female-based, but it takes more than a pair of boobs to share a stage with me," Boobzilla said.

"It's about female empowerment and the embodiment of the female persona on stage. It's showing the world what you can do. We get so wrapped up in our mundane life that we sometimes forget who we are inside, and this is about presenting yourself as the wonderful artist that you've always wanted the world to see."

"?Charles Martin