“Last year, we had more than 100 players spread out among six teams,” said league board member Keeahna Munoz. “We hope to keep growing the sport in Oklahoma City, and our goal is to hit 160 players this year. Honestly, the more, the merrier.”

Ultimate Frisbee is played on a field about half the size of a regulation soccer field, with two end zones much like football. Seven players from two teams play at a time.

“You start at a point very similar to a kickoff in football,” Munoz said. “The team playing defense throws the disc to the offense from the opposite end of the field to start the point.”

But a player who catches the disc on offense cannot run with it. Instead, the Frisbee is moved upfield by passing it from teammate to teammate, with the goal being to catch it in the opponent’s end zone.

The first team to score 13 wins. The summer league is just the beginning, Munoz said, adding that winter, spring, high school and youth leagues are on the horizon.

“Growing the sport will help engage our community with another fitness opportunity,” she said. “And it’s a great way to make friends with a diverse group of people. We have members from high school-age to players in their 50s.”

The Ultimate Frisbee league invites all levels of experience.

“While recreational and novice players might cringe at the thought of playing with more experienced players, we have structured the league to accommodate for all levels of play,” Munoz said, noting it’s not just for men.

“I like to encourage women to try out our sport, especially if you’ve enjoyed playing soccer [or] basketball or just like being active outside.”

With dues at $30, the league plays Thursdays at Lightning Creek Park, 801 S.W. 81st.

A season-ending tournament will be held Aug. 3. Pickup games outside the league are played Tuesdays at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center field.

For more information or registration, visit okcityultimate.com.

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