Chicken-Fried News: Crime boss: Murder sentence too steep

(Madeline Hancock)
Madeline Hancock

Convicted crime boss James “Whitey” Bulger is appealing two life sentences he received for murder last year because he says he didn’t get a fair trial.

Bulger was convicted of 11 murders, one of which was a Tulsa businessman in 1981, but says the trial was rigged against him because the judge didn’t let him argue that he had been promised immunity.

Bulger, who is 84, evaded authorities for 16 years and originally faced 32 counts of racketeering, money laundering, extortion, weapons charges and 19 murder charges. He was ultimately found guilty of 31 counts and 11 murders.

Wow. Just think if government officials had actually promised Bulger immunity, it gives credibility to every conspiracy theory we’ve ever heard.

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