Chicken-Fried News: It’s baaaaaack

Sure, wishing someone “Happy holidays” might be a polite and respectful thing to do in December as you realize our world is made up of many different religions, some of which have their own special holidays in the final month of the year.

But is it what Jesus would do?

Sen. Roger Thompson, R-Okemah, doesn’t think so. He introduced a bill this year that would protect Oklahoma teachers who want to say, “Merry Christmas.”

If this bill seems like a waste of time while Oklahoma schools are woefully underfunded, state teacher pay ranks near the bottom and there is no documented account of a teacher being punished for saying “Merry Christmas,” it’s probably because it is.

But hey, wasting time is a cherished hallmark of the Oklahoma Legislature. Good luck, Sen. Thompson, and Happy holidays!

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