The secret world of Oklahoma's swingers

Swingers, couples who engage in extramarital sex, are alive and breeding in Oklahoma City.
This lifestyle choice remains volatile in Oklahoma, if more and more common. Oklahoma Gazette approached seven couples, and despite being able to protect their identities with reporter privilege, they refused the interview. 
With Oklahoma's family-values-touting political climate, it seems bewildering that so strong a sexual underground would exist in the long shadow cast by the Bible.

However, according to Rhett (not his real name), a psychology major close to finishing his degree, it is exactly that " the overwhelming religious climate of Oklahoma " that drives the sexual tension in its capital city to a fever pitch. Clamping the lid down on the boiling pot makes the steam grow stronger. 
"They go to church on Sunday, then beat their kids on Monday," he said. "They are hypocritical. We like to be ourselves. We can't be ourselves out there, but we can be ourselves in here. If you deny yourself your emotions and everybody else their emotions, then it will find a way. Just like life, it will find a way. My point being, you can place whatever black flag you want on it, but it will still happen."
The lifestyle cuts across all lines in Oklahoma, Rhett said. All walks of life come to the group's meetings and events. He listed a tantalizing range of occupations " so many he couldn't keep up with them all.
Rhett said the kind of sexual repression which Oklahoma touts from its pulpits and its lecterns, breeds, rather than diminishes, the seething sexual world that lies behind the closed doors of Oklahoma City.

April 18 follow-up article  
Questions and Answers from April 18 follow-up article

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