Chicken-Fried News: Cruising cow

Cows get out of their pastures a lot. We’re not sure whether their gates are inefficient or they have spent that last 100 years developing a plan to outsmart their owners and escape their confinement for good and sightings are just part of their test runs. In any case, students at Oklahoma State University (OSU) in Stillwater found a surprise on their way to campus the afternoon of Sept. 26.

Student Allie Broussard tweeted a photo of the black cow with a white stripe down its face trotting down Hall of Fame Avenue without a care in the world. posted her video of the rambunctious animal as it ran down the street, pursued by traffic.

“Literally, right now, there’s a car running toward my car. Holy shit! What the heck?” Broussard said in the video.

Caroline Varnau also tweeted a photo of the cow and wrote, “Meanwhile at Oklahoma State.”

Maybe fences need to be built stronger to withstand rebellious farm animals, and someone should have a talk with OSU students and tell them that it’s pretty dangerous — and possibly illegal — to take photos while driving, especially when there is loose livestock in the street.