Fellow Gazettite Paul Wesselhöft proposes that he is allowed to disgorge bigoted, demonizing, islamophobic hatred (Letters, "A call for nonviolent civil disobedience," Aug. 25), but we are not allowed to observe that he is doing so. Mr. Wesselhöft's screed could serve as a Mad Lib exercise for hate-speechifying.

"Wesselhöft" sounds like a German surname. Are we really willing to forget that whole World War II thing already? In the spirit of Paul's ground rules, nobody is allowed to suggest that I implicate him or anyone else carrying the Teutonic seed today of bearing responsibility for the atrocities that occurred early last century.

Say, this works pretty well, doesn't it? How about this: Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal is the largest minority owner of News Corporation/Fox News Channel. He has ties with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and is involved in funding the very Muslim center that has Wesselhöft and others in such a spittle-flecked rage. Fox News gave $1 million to the GOP; Republicans watch Fox News and thus contribute revenue to the Saudi prince.

Why do conservatives hate America so, endeavoring to shank "this ill-advised dagger in our soul?" "Paul's Rule": Nobody is allowed to accuse me of making vague associations to implicate swaths of Americans of pursuing evil. What is illuminated in this season of conservative discontent is that they have no legitimate reason to ask to govern America. The prior decade saw the implementation of virtually everything conservatives ever wanted, and it all crashed in disastrous failure.

Having no ideas left to propose that haven't already been proven deleterious to American interests, they can only pander to the fears of their constituents, lurching from one stigmatized subsection of society to the next, hoping enough effluence remains on the wall to adhere themselves for one more go. "Paul's Rule" is rescinded, in this instance.

"Ted Rider
Oklahoma City 

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