Strain name: Scroopy Nopers
Grown by: Gridiron Wellness
Acquired from: Eden Rose
Date acquired: Dec. 12
Physical traits: multiple shades of frosted green with wiry stigmas
Bouquet: gassy and earthy

Review: A convenient little budtender trick I’ve learned consuming legal cannabis for a few years now is just to make a beeline for the flower and ask for suggestions. At this point, the regular consumer-patient differentiates themselves from someone who’s just running a counter for a paycheck. If they really smoke, their first choice (and often one they’ll reference it again without consciously doing so) is really the path you should take. Never heard of Gridiron Wellness and the strain name still makes me giggle, but so does the smoke. And since I hadn’t been in since license renewal, I got a free first-time gift (again). Without hesitation, I took the penny eight-preroll tube at the budtender’s second strain recommendation of Otter Pops. Follow your nose, but trust your budtender (when applicable). I knew I liked this place for a reason.

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