when he gets there.

Along the way he encounters a flood, a shaman, several stupid tourist moves (never leave the bus), a couple dance parties, indie-rock cameos, a pick-up soccer game and a weird friendship that starts at knifepoint. This is all framed in the context of the days leading up to and following President Obama's election.

I'd like to tell you that it all means something, and I'm sure it was intended to. But with only a few lines tossed casually off about the meaning of life, the gesture seems halfhearted. I'm all for understated poignancy, but this one's so understated that it's underground.

Which, I suppose, is the whole point, as the underground music scene gets mega props throughout. The score is easily the best part of the film, although they spend significant effort obscuring it into the background as native audio (a radio in the same room, a distant party, etc.). It's a bit frustrating on that account, too.

"Wah Do Dem" is a Jamaican "Garden State" without anything meaningful to say, meaning fans of unresolved existential angst will find much to love. "?Stephen Carradini

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